
seoxx 足球 2025-02-12 1 0

【埃弗顿 vs 利物浦】






  • 埃弗顿:麦克尼尔、科尔曼、切尔米蒂、布罗亚、曼加拉、勒温、米科连科缺阵。
  • 利物浦:阿诺德和戈麦斯因伤缺席。





  • E 埃弗顿:
  • L 利物浦:


This match is a rescheduled fixture from Round 15 of the Premier League. In their last outing, Everton suffered a disappointing home defeat to Bournemouth in the FA Cup, losing 0-2 and ending their three-match winning streak across all competitions. Currently ranked at 16th place, they have shown decent form recently.

< p > Meanwhile, Liverpool faced an upset as well in the FA Cup after losing away to Plymouth with a score of 0-1, which resulted in their elimination. However, prior to that setback, they managed an impressive victory over Tottenham Hotspur to reach the finals and are currently leading the league by six points. < p > 从数据来看,亚洲盘口开出利物浦让一球/球半,这合理反映了两队之间的差距。尽管整体实力与积分排名存在明显差异,但在莫耶斯带领下,埃弗顿近期状态回暖,并且主场对抗利物浦时也不落下风。因此,从投注角度看,两队都有吸引力,而对于热度有限的红军来说,他们将会更专注于争夺联赛冠军。本场比赛,我看好他们能够赢得这场德比之战。 < p >< strong > 【预测结果】:   < u >< 强烈建议:<\/u >& nbsp ; &nbps;<br /> 足彩推荐:埃弗顿败北
预测比分:1比2或1比3 (一诺千金)