- 勇士送出怀斯曼给活塞;
- 同时将灰熊的2026年次轮签和自己的2028年次轮签发送至开拓者;
- 活塞则把萨迪克-贝送往老鹰,并将诺克斯交给开拓者;
- 老鹰向开拓者提供三个受保护的二轮签作为补偿;
- 最后,开拓者把小佩顿发给了勇士。
2016 年 strong > p >
< p > 火箭以莫泰和索顿交换 活塞 的乔尔 - 安东尼 和一个前八顺位首轮选秀权 。 然而 , 莫 泰 因 背 病 在 體 檢 中 未 能 通 過 , 最终 导致 该 符合 条件 被 决 定 不 成立 。 尽管休赛期他成为受限制自由球员并且火箭匹配了篮网4年的报价,却还是选择不为火箭效力,因此被放弃。
2009 年 : strong >
黄蜂试图将泰森·钱德勒 traded to the Thunder , but their team doctor discovered a toe injury, causing cancellation of this deal. In exchange for Chandler, they were set to receive Joe Smith, Chris Wilcox and Devin Hardy's signing rights. KD even mentioned on a podcast that they almost acquired Chandler which was as painful as losing Harden.
2008 Year: strong >< br />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; 快船从尼克斯获得扎克 - 兰多夫,而“老猫”莫布里却因身体检查失利而成了一颗棋子。他随后因心脏问题退役。而兰多夫最终依然如愿加盟快船。
2006 Year: stronger >
&nbs;; & nbs;; 黄蜂尝试从76人手中得到史蒂文·亨特,但是由于膝盖隐患,他们取消了这桩买卖。不久之后亨特便早早退役,因为同样的问题还出现过整个赛季报销。
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1994 : Rockets exchanged Robert Horry + Matt Bullard with Pistons' Sean Elliott . However , during his physical checkup it was found out he had chronic kidney disease resulting in cancelation of trade.Horry then helped Rockets win back-to-back championships while Elliott won one with Spurs in '98-'99 before suffering from worsening condition leading him into receiving kidney donation surgery from brother after just seven months recuperating returned again playing .