
seoxx 篮球 2025-02-07 1 0

(原文发布于2月7日,作者是ESPN撰稿人Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点。)



  • 亚特兰大老鹰队得到:
    • 后卫卡里斯-勒韦尔
    • 前锋乔治-尼昂
    • 三个次轮选秀权(2027年、2029年、2031年)
    • 两个未来的选秀权互换权(2026年、2028年)

    • 克利夫兰骑士队得到:
    • \
      • 前锋德安德烈-亨特
      • \

        [ 克利夫兰骑士队:A- ]


        This week, most of the movement focused on veteran teams hoping to contend rather than true championship contenders. This marks Cleveland's first significant midseason reinforcement among the top seven NBA teams this season as they aim to translate their impressive Eastern Conference record into deeper playoff success.

        The addition of Hunter brings a skill set that fits well in playoffs with his 3D+ (three-point shooting and defense) abilities despite having only played 16 postseason games. As a strong individual defender, he offers more shot creation compared to other wing players alongside the Cavaliers' four All-Stars.


        This year has been particularly fruitful for Hunter; he's averaging 19.0 points per game—3.4 points higher than his previous career bests—and showing improved aggressiveness from beyond the arc by taking an average of 6.7 three-pointers at a commendable rate of 39%.

        A notable shift is evident in Hunter’s shot selection: while last season he attempted nearly equal two-point shots outside the paint (212) and three-pointers (286), this year sees him attempting almost double threes (247) against just over one hundred long twos (101). His effective field goal percentage also reflects improvement, rising from 56.3% last season to an impressive61 .6%. The value derived from better shooting choices cannot be underestimated.

        However ,Hunter ’ s advanced stats suggest decent performance but not outstanding largely due tothe rare steals(1 .Oper36 minutes )and blocks(0 .2per36minutes ).Moreover ,his rebounding ability falls belowaverageforawing player.InateamwithJarrett AllenandEvanMobleytheseissues shouldbe minimizedwhilehisone-on-one defensive skills will shine through.Hunter standsat68 inches tall which makeshimbetter suitedto defendlargerwingplayersinplayoffsthanLeVertorMaxStrus。

        The risk takenbytheCavaliersisprimarilyfinancial.With contract extensions for MobleyandDonovanMitchell kicking in during theseasonof252526,Clevelandwill soon facean expensive roster.Letting Levert walk whenhiscontract expirescould have provideda wayoutbutcommittingnowmeansthey’ll likely pay considerableluxurytaxunless coreplayerstraded。With Hunters base salary reaching23 million dollars Clevelands financial situation risesabove20000000over luxury taxlineeven without key benchoptionsTyJerome andSamMerrillespeciallyasJeromeexpectsbigraiseafterimpressive performances offbench。因此 ,itappears CavsmayhaveimplicitlychosenHuntersalaryratherthanJ eromesorLeVer t 。

        Once stars salaries escalate maintaining depth necessary forthe teamsto stay atopEasternCon ference remains achallenge.Clevelands biggestconcern mayarrive inthe262727seasonwhencontractsforthebothHunter& Strus are still active yetAllen’sextension would pushhissalaryfrom20milliondollars up29003000 d ollar。Inthisnew eraofshort-termchampionshipwindowsprioritizing maximizingthoseopportunities outweighssavingmoneyforyet-unrealizedfuturepotential.Given contextgettingaggressivebeforestartingwhatmightbethemostanticipatedpost-seasonsinceLebronJamesdepartedinthe1990sis astepinthedirection。”     [ 亚特兰大老鹰队:C- ] &p;<p></b>

        <b>;尽管亨 特本赛季表现出色,但他并不是 老 鹰 队未 来首 发侧翼阵容的一部分。他们更看重的是扎卡里·里萨谢,他在19岁时就成为了球队的主力,以及后卫戴森·丹尼尔斯。因此,在薪资平衡方面,他们选择将亨特交易出去。  < / B >< ;/B >/虽然如此,这笔交易似乎仍然用一名优秀且性价比高的球员换回了太少的资产。在这笔交易以及将博格丹·博格达诺维奇送至洛杉矶快船以交换纳肖恩·海兰德和特伦斯·曼恩之后,老鹰减少了在2025 -26赛季 的总薪资支出。 目前尚不清楚他们会如何利用这些释放出来的钱,因为自己的自由球员如勒韦尔及最近被奥涅卡• 奥孔武取代首发中锋位置的克林特• 卡佩拉,都似乎没有优先续约计划。不过从短期来看,勒韦尔能为替补席带来价值,可以扮演曾经由亨 特担任角色。这位新加盟 球员 虽然上场时间有所下降,但他的三分命中率却创下职业生涯的新高——40%。此外,他也展现出了作为外线防守者应有进步。 或许,更重要的是,他们得到了NBA最令人惊讶常胜军之一—— 尼昂。从之前效力爵士期间开始,这位运动员一直都是争冠球队的重要成员。而去年骑士取得48胜34负战绩,也已是自201617以来其所经历过最差成绩。同时值得注意的是过去四个赛季内无论何处都闯入第二轮决斗 。 不过,由于尼昂在防守端可能存在一定局限性,因此是否能够帮助提升整体实力还有待观察。但作为一名替补,其40%的三分命中率绝对是一项加分项。 作者 : Kevin Pelton 翻译 : GWayNe