
seoxx 篮球 2025-02-06 2 0

(原文发表于2月6日,作者为ESPN的Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点)




ESPN记者Kevin Pelton对此次主要交易进行了评分,并分析了所有涉及球队和球员所带来的影响。



  • 雄鹿得到: 凯尔-库兹马、小帕特里克-鲍德温、2025年次轮签
  • 奇才得到: 克里斯-米德尔顿、AJ-约翰逊、2028年的首轮互换权

密尔沃基雄鹿 评分:C

This trade appears to be a financial maneuver disguised as a basketball move. By trading away Middleton's $31.7 million salary for Kuzma's $23.5 million (along with part of his 15% trade kicker), the Bucks have reduced their luxury tax bill by nearly $30 million this season and avoided hitting the second luxury tax threshold.


The calculations surrounding that second threshold could benefit Milwaukee in its quest for success this season, according to ESPN reporter Bobby Marks. This requires Kuzma to give up some of his trade guarantee, allowing the Bucks to stay just under the restricted second luxury tax line.

If they avoid taking back more salary than they're sending out in trades, it gives them flexibility with contracts while also buying time to find someone who can fill Middleton’s playmaking role through another deal.

If no further game-changing trades occur, this feels like an admission from Milwaukee that they can't win a championship right now. Since pairing Lillard with Giannis Antetokounmpo, their hopes for title contention hinge on either getting Middleton fully healthy or flipping him for another star—neither option seems feasible at present.

< p > 米德尔顿最近状态有所回暖,在过去四场比赛中,有三场得分超过20分。然而,在球队1胜3负 的客场之旅中,他在失利中的表现令人失望,这并未能有效提升雄鹿目前27胜22负排名东部第五的位置。他们正努力争夺季后赛首轮主场优势,目前落后步行者一个胜差。除了去年12月击败雷霆外,很难找到任何表明他们是真正竞争冠军团队的迹象。一年前,当两个明星同时出战时,净效率值高达+10.2,而本赛季这一数据下降至仅+4 .7 。 < / p >< h 4 >< p > 引进 库兹 马 并不能改变这种情况。从用朱 - 霍勒迪交换来 利 拉 德 后 , 雄 鹿 一直缺乏 能够 在攻 防 两端 都有贡献 的 球员 。 库 离 馬最多只能算是一名普通射手 (职业生涯 三 分 命 中率33 % ) 和一般防守者 ,而他最强技能 —— 自 主创造机会则可由波蒂斯提供支持,更别提字母哥及利拉德等超级巨星。 Kuzma has not performed well recently; both his two-point shooting percentage (50%) and three-point accuracy (28%) are career lows.. The Bucks hope these struggles stem primarily from playing on one of the league’s worst teams but believe he may rebound given better circumstances. 根据Second Spectrum的数据,从投篮位置、防守距离以及自身技术来看,Kuzma当前面临着其职业生涯最佳水平。这可能只是Bucks重组阵容多步骤计划的一部分,以便通过组合多个球员获得更具攻击力且兼顾防守能力的新援。但眼下节省资金避开第二土豪线,同时希望借助与Kuzma交替使用代替Middleton显然是不理想选择。 最后,根据合同安排,下个赛季Bucks将进一步节省支出,因为Middleton拥有3330万美元选项价值,此前他的薪资降至2250万,小帕特里克·鲍德温不会再占用空间,使重新签署大洛佩斯变得更加轻松。当初若期待Antetokounmpo 与Lillard联袂推进深度赛事甚至再次问鼎总冠似乎毫无疑问,但如今赢取NBA杯已成该时代巅峰,也许这就是为什么应该庆祝一次酣畅淋漓的大饮香槟吧!