(原文发表于2月5日,作者为ESPN的Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点)
ESPN记者Kevin Pelton对此次NBA主要交易进行评分,并分析各支球队及相关球员所受到的影响。
- 独行侠得到:凯莱布·马丁
- 76人得到:昆汀·格莱姆斯、2025年76人的次轮签
费城76人 评分:A
This trade can be seen as a "rescue" operation for the 76ers after signing Caleb Martin to a four-year, $40 million deal last July. At that time, given their limited salary cap space following the acquisition of Paul George, this move seemed smart. I had rated it an “A” in free agency evaluations due to its creativity (including a $5 million incentive unlikely to trigger and not counting against cap). However, my confidence has waned seven months later.
Kyle Martin is clearly not the reason behind the Sixers’ sub-.500 record this season; however, he also failed to become part of the solution. Despite his three-point shooting percentage reaching 38% (above his career average of 36%), his overall scoring efficiency dipped below average with just a 47% rate from two-point range—the lowest since his rookie year’s mark of 36%. Defensively, Martin did not emerge as a game-changer either. Although he faced relatively tough defensive assignments—according to Second Spectrum data showing opponents using him at rates above anyone on Philadelphia's roster—he didn't significantly impact team defense metrics.
The recent four-game winning streak occurred while Martin was sidelined by hip injury; during that stretch undrafted rookie Justin Edwards excelled in starting role.
< h4 > 达 拉 ス 独 行 骑 队 的评估 C - h4 > 我觉得基于过去几天与已经确定出走方向战友们以及其他竞争者间寻求平衡以保留自己的核心阵容并尽量弥补缺口 ,所以明白这种调整背后的逻辑很清晰。同时由于刚才提过的一系列事件发生时正值休息期,不免造成某种程度上的情绪波动,但最终决定还是需要经过不断反复推敲才能形成明确结果。总结来看,对于 凯 莱 布 · 马 丁 剩余每三个季度左右再涨100 多 万美元这样的承诺显然意味着独行骑虽然面临着一些压力但同时也寄希望随着市场变化迎头赶上。因此,可以合理预见如果没有特别大的障碍的话,在接下来时间段当中的确有望实现双向发展。但无论如何我们都应该注意其中存在的不稳定性,以便提前做好应对准备。 原 文 : Kevin Pel ton 编译:李太白