
seoxx 足球 2025-01-27 5 0

1月27日讯 北京时间01:00,沙特联第17轮比赛在沙特国王大学体育场展开,由利雅得胜利迎战哈萨征服。上半场,C罗的进球被判无效,而安吉洛则制造了对方沙达内的乌龙球;下半场中,C罗射门击中横梁并错失良机,但西马坎头球帮助球队扩大比分。巴尔加斯也曾打中立柱,本托送出失误让巴特纳抓住机会扳回一城。而最终,C罗破门成功,实现职业生涯第920个进球,使得利雅得胜利以3-1战胜哈萨征服,目前距离榜首仅有8分差距。



  • 第40分钟: 利雅得胜利打破僵局!安吉洛右路禁区突破后传中,被挡后他小角度补射意外助攻给沙达内反弹入网,比分变为1-0。
  • 第56分钟: 利雅得胜利进一步扩大领先优势!左侧定位球由安吉洛开到门前, 西马坎高高跃起头槌破门,将比分改写为2-0。
  • 第71分钟: 哈萨征服追回一分。本托出现致命失误将球直接送给巴特纳,他推射空门轻松入网,让总比分变为2-1。
  • 第87分钟: 利雅得胜利来锁定勝局!马内从左边弧顶传递至后点,C 罗随即推射完成本场个人进账,为团队再添一分,以3-1结束赛事。

< strong > 比赛焦点瞬间:

  • < strong > 第12分钟: 胜利用一次快速反击创造机会,C 罗接直塞进入禁区却被防守队员放倒, 裁判未做表示 。
  • <强>C Ronaldo's goal was ruled offside in the following minute. The referee signaled for an infringement and disallowed a potential opening goal.
  • <強>The next few minutes saw C Ronaldo skillfully challenge defenders but failed to find the back of the net as his shots were either blocked or saved by opposing players. He had another chance at scoring just before halftime with B-Robson's assist; however, it too went wide on target! Both teams entered half-time with a scoreline reading 10 points behind each other!




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李亚德·维克瑞(主)  vs  哆柩圷-看.光辉引擎(客)
#/td>; B/ R O B S O N; // Stating both player position will make easy understanding // Similarly All Player names should be mentioned along their respective positions