
seoxx 篮球 2025-01-05 2 0

1月5日讯 NBA常规赛,勇士以121-113战胜灰熊。赛后,李凯尔接受了记者采访,小吧为大家整理了采访的完整内容。








Q:当防守贾伦·杰克逊时,你似乎能很好地预判他的动作。他是怎样的一位对手呢? < p >< strong >A: 我从他新秀赛季开始就关注他的表现,他是一名非常全面且难以防守的球员。我在训练和夏天练习中也遇到过不少困难。他擅长低位得分,同时外线三分精准,这使得他变得异常棘手。因此,我只能努力让他更难发挥,但这依然是一项艰巨任务,因为他的表现真的很优秀。 < p >< strong > Q: 科尔教练称赞你的职业态度及每日投入,现在库明加受伤可能给你带来更多机会。对于球队深度以及像林迪这样把握住关键机会的人,你怎么看?

< Strong>A: This fully demonstrates the effort put in behind the scenes. Many people train hard every day, even if they don’t get their desired playing time. They are willing to set aside personal interests and practice 2-on-2 or 3-on-3 games with teammates. This team has very little self-awareness; everyone is willing to work hard and be ready for opportunities at any moment.

< P >< STRONG > Q: You might have expected a fixed role when you came here, but seeing your playing time reduce now feels like what?

< Strong>A: Now it’s only December, so I won’t feel overly excited or disappointed. There are still many games left in the season. I’ve experienced similar situations two or three times in my career before, yet ultimately always made it into playoff rotations . So my goal is continuous improvement while supporting my teammates and giving everything when an opportunity arises.

< P >< STRONG > Q:< /STRONG>The key for you to maintain form without game minutes is ? : It’s training really hard! Obviously, I want to play matches sometimes make me upset ,but i choose go gym instead .It's fun because through training you can see yourself improve.Even though it's regretful not being able to take part on court daily high-quality sessions truly remind me of summer outside regular seasons.When called upon,your readiness will show up!

< P >>Do you sense that Bain's collision ignited Wiggins' performance?: Yes indeed ! That hit definitely sparked him.Wiggins has great teammates such as GP who encourage saying “Wiggs we need YOU!” And he answered call after bumping back onto track.P Your long-time matchup against Wiggs allows visibility—can one notice his shift into gear?