12月11日讯 在全年首发次数和出场时间两项重要数据上,廖锦涛均排名广州队内第一。此外,他还贡献了4个进球和2个助攻。近日,这位24岁的年轻球员接受了《足球报》的专访,回顾了广州队本赛季的成功以及他的个人表现。
作为连续两个赛季中甲出场时间最多的球员,要保持稳定竞技状态,我认为关键在于百分百投入每日训练。因为好的训练效果直接影响比赛表现。同时,全队成员在训练、比赛中都非常拼搏,而教练也不断激励年轻选手追赶我们这些老将. p > < p >< strong > 本赛季进步 strong > p > < p > 我这个赛季打进4个进球,比去年多出了3个。这主要归功于我的位置比较特殊,需要兼顾攻防,因此获得更多攻击机会。今年年初给自己定下目标为2 球 2 助,现在不仅达成,还超过这个目标,很满意 。 P > < P >< STRONG > 难忘瞬间 STRONG >
The most unforgettable goal this season was my long-range shot in the away match against Yunnan Yukun, which ended in a 1-1 draw. When the ball fell from the air, I decided to give it a try and didn’t expect such an amazing outcome.
This season, Guangzhou team has performed well even against stronger opponents; there were several matches where we came back after falling behind. If I had to pick one memorable game, it would be our first encounter with Dalian Yingbo as that was my debut on such a professional stage. The atmosphere made me feel excited and focused since everyone was watching us perform—we just needed to showcase our skills.
This season also迎来了许多新秀,如张志雄、白余涛等,他们首次亮相职业舞台。在你看来,这批“后浪”的成长如何?希望他们能继续维持这样的势头,同时期待更多年轻人才涌现,以增强团队竞争力!
You are only 24 but already seen as one of the older brothers in your squad—how do you help younger teammates? At times like these when they need encouragement or understanding—I strive for camaraderie so that together we harness their potential!
< P >< Strong > 新旧结合之道 Strong > P > < P>I noticed differences between today’s young players compared to those from years ago: earlier generations included much older mentors who played at higher levels while now almost all members here are post-2000s without generational gaps making interactions simpler! We get along really well creating an enjoyable atmosphere within training sessions too!. Meanwhile ,I haven’t achieved significant accomplishments yet either; thus lack qualification towards offering guidance often . For example ,captain Hou Yu is both good partner during games & close friend outside them considering he’s still relatively youthful (only aged twenty-three). We've known each other quite some time transitioning from rivals into teammates engaging frequently over video gaming—and loser treats dinner afterwards.【/P】 【p】【/強調】 【 p 】通过这两个季度锤炼出来,你被视作少数技术型后腰之一,有媒体甚至认为你具备国家代表资格怎么看待此评价呢? 感谢大家认可,但目前只能称其高评而已。我仍需稳扎稳打以证明自己尚未达到顶级平台所需标准。 另外2019 年曾参与扬科维奇执掌 U20 国家 队友谊赛事那段经历令我倍受鼓舞,更坚定未来努力方向,希望再次为国效力。 < P > 对未来哪些领域还有提高空间吗? 当然: 如传递精准度或者身体抗衡力度皆可进一步强化! < P> 最终阶段战斗虽没实现晋级但对于今后的发展有哪些思考? 心理素养特别重要,本该赢得几场却因不平静情绪导致失分。因此越想获胜反而增加错误频率缺乏能够扭转局面者亦不足 。 < /URL> 【口号】 曼城罗德里值得学习他理解攻守转换优秀且身处同类角色便捷创造良机。而若日尼奥风格独特也是让我钦佩对象 长远而言期望争取参军国家代表要立足当前逐渐完善各方条件避免伤病干扰健康状况。【/P】