体坛: 合同即将到期,你有什么打算?
钟 晋 宝: strong > 今年赛季结束后,俱乐部已经开始跟我谈续约,同时也关注其他机会。不管未来在哪里,我始终感恩过去这两年的相遇。 p > < p >< strong > 体 坛 :< / strong > 去 年 有 一 场 比 赛 后 的 面 对 媒 体 是 否 给 您 留 下 深 刻 印 象 ? p > < p >< strong > 钟 晋 宝 : & nbsp ; 我们主场输给 海 港 , 心情不好,那确实是一场糟糕表现 。 在主 場 输 球迷很失望,所以简单说了一下,没有想到被广泛传播。足球本就是娱乐大众,更加激励我要努力踢好比赛。 p > < p >< strong > 体 坛 : 两个赛季以来你的出場率稳定,但助攻和进球却有所减少,为何如此? P > < P >< Strong>Bong Jinbao:
. “I scored about six goals during my time at Jianye, but due to a change in position and responsibilities over the past two years, I haven't found the net. However, I've improved defensively and increased my work rate compared to when I was at Jianye. Most importantly, I'm more mature mentally now. At thirty years old this year, it's often said that Chinese players only truly start playing well then—it's really about mental growth.”The last two years in Qingdao have required me to take on more responsibility which led me to reflect deeply on various aspects of football.
If you can do your best while you're out there playing professionally—that's enough for me.
Your future goal?
< . The data shows I've played around181 matches so far—which isn't too many.I'll set myself a smaller target:to complete200 appearances next season. Secondly,I wanttoremain true totheoriginal intentionof whyI startedplayingfootball. This is challenging because onecan easily forgetthepath takenin their career.Asmycareer will continuefor severalyears—I once madeit into U22and U25 training camps—but those opportunities faded quickly.My ultimate dreamis stilltoplayforthe nationalteam—it’s everyChineseplayer’s aspiration,and I'll strive towards it. 有没有想对球迷说的话呢?强>强式“足”所需之人在此不再少数,“如果没有他们 足球便毫无意义。今年我们直到最后一轮才保级,但是 青岛国安 从未放弃支持我们的信念。“尤其是在空荡荡看似冷清的时候,他们依然坚毅地站立于外围声援着团队。因此对此深表谢意,希望大家继续支持 海 牛 队!”