
seoxx 足球 2024-11-30 11 0

巴塞罗那 vs 拉斯帕尔马斯





竞彩推荐:(让球) 胜平负(-2):平/负;比分:3-1、2-1


- 门将特尔施特根
- 后卫克里스滕森
- 阿劳霍
- 前锋法蒂
- 中场伯纳尔、卡萨多(停)


- 暂无


阿拉维斯 vs 莱加内丝

Alaaves 在上一轮与 马德里竞技 的较量中,以 1 - 2 遭遇失败,目前已经面临着两连败的问题。古里迪为球队首开记录,但下半场被对方逆转,两粒进球均由敌方打入。

另一方面, 莱加内丝 上一仗则是在主场迎战皇马上惨遭0 - 3完败,全队仅创造4次射门机会,而阿爾提米拉更因失误导致丢掉关键性进点。这也是他们本赛季第二十回合作出的第三项落幕决策.

根据双方过去10 次交锋的数据统计来看, 阿拉维西 赢得其中两个,同时收获六个和平局以及两个失利. 当前亚盘数据依旧显示 主让 半 球 ,考虑到近期状态低迷,再者说 客 战能力亦相当有限,因此对于再次接受 连 输 不太乐观 . 而且值得注意的是 , 萊 加內 ス 自律表现良好,无畏强敌,不惧怕任何挑战!密切关注可能出现意外结果之际 。整体看来,此役可防止 平 局 出现 !”< / P > < p >< strong > 比赛时间 : < / strong >11 月30 日23 :15 < / p > < p >< strong >竞彩推荐 :( 胜 平 負 ) : 平/ 勝 ; 得 分 数 值 为 ( 各种方式进行调节): 下限值(大约水平 )= ( + ); 整体数额 = 【6】 ”+【5】【9】 “< br /> Main Team Injuries:' '' 'Defender Sanchez '(Suspended)' '< br/> ' 'Guest team injuries:' No injury reports yet! '

西班牙人vs 塞 尔 塔

Overall performance of the Spanish team is at a rather low level currently with four consecutive defeats suffered recently!. They also faced heavy losses in their last match against Girona where they conceded three goals within just one half. However Celta managed to hold Barcelona for an impressive draw as well and are expected not only maintain solid form but possibly even secure victory if necessary! → Match time on December first will start from01:30 AM Statistics recorded suggest that historical matches between these two teams have often led towards draws or close wins which could mean potential opportunities exist again this weekend... Overall prediction suggests either side may claim points through possible equal results too thus making it imperative both sides bring forth highest quality performances during encounter ahead!
Recommend betting odds (+/-); final score might end up being around [score predictions] like so ... Main team's key players availability report shows midfielder Grachira suffering slight issues while guest squad's Midfielder Jalson remains unavailable due illness ! div class="injury-report">